3 Things

The Young One [1960]

1. The old man has died and his corpse is still lying in the bed. It has one boot on and one boot off. On a table by the bed is a bottle of whiskey and an empty (but previously used) glass. Miller discovers the corpse and says, “So, he finally kicked it.” He notices the bottle just sitting there. Picks up the glass and brings it halfway to his lips. Then he looks over at the bed and thinks better of it, puts it back down. Later he goes back to his cabin and has a drink from his own bottle of whiskey.
2. Smooth tracking shots of the pursuit through the swamp.
3. She walks across the pier awkwardly in her high-heeled shoes. Then she begins to skip across an imaginary hopscotch board.

What a great double bill this would make with The Intruder!

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